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Showing posts from June 13, 2010


Freedom is a gift from God and therefore does not come without the responsibility of being accountable to its exercise, through choices and decisions of all sorts and kinds, each and every second of our existence. What God gives, men cannot take away and therefore it is not up to governments or any other institution to deny humans the freedom given upon creation. The institution of government, administers justice, so when the exercise of freedom invades other people freedom or when represents a menace or a threat to others it is the authority of government invested by God to act in order to protect life and freedom.


Etymologically, the word Democracy means the government by the people, uniquely and different from other terminology like plutocracy, which entails the government by the wealthy or powerful; is defined by the people as individuals. The definition commonly assigned to democracy as the government by the majority or what the majority wants, falls into the area of plutocracy as the will of the majorities can not only be grossly wrong but also ill intentioned or viciously manipulated, thereby constituting the power over the people. True democracy starts from the individual actually preventing the dictatorship of the majorities thereby guaranteeing prosperity and development amongst families and individuals. It requires of a limited government and of full participation from the people.

Health Care

Canada for so many years already is experiencing what to live under government health care means and it has been so evident how from carefully managing the economics of the system, it has devolved into a politics of convenience, just granting everything and anything the different minority groups ask for just to avoid the noise and risk to be noticed. Consequent of that process if the trap of having to elect one after another, wolves under sheepskin, wannabe dictators disguised as truly democratic leaders, who will work as hard as they can to preserve the establishment so broadly propagated as perfect or close to it, but which in reality seriously restricts freedom and ignores protection of life. It is quite different to try to safe the life of a voter than it is to safe the life of just a human being. Throughout history we have witnessed how different one is from the other.


Current economy and political directions, seem to be stuck into the black and white alternative, as being either capitalism or socialism, as if these were always opposed to each other. As capitalism many times makes use of socialism as a way to improve its numbers, socialism often makes use of capitalism as a vehicle to achieve its goals and so centrism becomes a political of choice. The problem with such a equation is that either side by using the other becomes an extreme to itself and it becomes even worst that by working independently for a more transparent goal.

Humans playing God

Humans playing God Not too long ago, the National Post in Canada, published an article entitled, Playing God is underrated and which started… ‘Craig Venter, the controversial American scientist and entrepreneur, stirred up considerable media excitement last week by announcing the birth of Synthia. Described as "the first-ever synthetic life-form”’ How many times have we’ve seen or read ‘news’ about how ‘science’ has moved forward reaching a point only possible to God and as many times we have witnessed how the claim is not really so, because after all, well, it was not really… and life and science continue their paths and yet mankind cannot match God’s creation.

Human rights and personal liberties, Immigration and Freedom

Politicians love the debate on lost causes because they keep the minds of the people away from the true menace that lies behind and they want unnoticed. This does not recognize frontiers, and it is applied to every political area of thought and location. Humans have a God given right of movement, of mobility, but nobody has a right to impose upon anyone else' the obligation to hire or recruit or even to feel sorry for them. That is the competence of God. To feel sorry for someone else predicaments is a duty we all, as individuals, have before God and therefore, if we need and want to offer love and care for someone it is up to us to do so and not something we should try to get the government or the system to force anyone else to do for us.

How much more to endure

The world is in turmoil. Political correctness has taken over not just the past and the present but the future as well. Collectivism has institutionalized itself as the one and only way to go, where happiness is redefined with respect to the sentiment of the intellectuality preached by the elites and even forced upon the people as some new understanding based on what the community can provide as a right and for which goodness is imperative to surrender our freedom to them because we owe our happiness to them.

The ‘cost’ of my freedom, race and spirit

The ‘cost’ of my freedom, race and spirit How free we are if we ignore our responsibilities, our accountability for the choices we took exercising our free will? It seems that in a world were God is secondary to the power that money gives; freedom has been equated to the amount of power accumulated but with one catch. The power given by money, by material possession, needs to be fed and grown and in the very moment that some of the benefits of it, is harvested, a thirst fro more immediately surges and the spiral of greed and ambition grows even more and freedom is no more but an enslavement process with no end.

Taxes Added Value (TAV)

Nowadays everyone talks about VAT (Value Added Taxes) as a solution to so much waste from government or as the wrong solution to government excess. What seems to be elusive is what is behind every tax, not just the potentially impacting Value Added Taxes, but also many other kinds of taxes for this and for that and because and even just in case, direct or indirect, hidden or not.

About dictators

A dictator is that who dictates. Dictators actually can be elected by the people. In the Roman republic was usual to assign a dictator to 'fix' some political or economical problems. A famous one is Sulla, whom ended up being a terrible and bloody tyrant and he was actually elected by the Senate to break a political stalemate and he created for the purpose the 'conscription's' which meant nothing but a list of political enemies to


If there are some who are concerned with the fact that many try to avoid paying taxes, even if within the law; there are others who do not want to pay taxes. How strange this might be? Surpluses in government mean over-taxation while deficits mean over-expenditure.

Amnistía adios o adios a la amnistía.

Maybe the great majority of immigrants are Spanish speaking and more probable is that most of them are from Mexico, but the truth is that they are form everywhere, because the problem of illegal immigration is not in Mexico or outside, but inside. For the outside, this is only a way to solve their problems of getting rid of the excess caused by their poor caring of their own people.

Life and Family

Life starts at conception and through natural death. Humanity is unique amongst the other species of creation because of the appreciation of the truth and love and of the close and intimate relationship we all have with God almighty. The sanctity of life therefore cannot be questioned, neither it can be subject to debate or be conditional to the wishes or choices of others.