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Showing posts from August 29, 2010

RE: Canada: Stop "Fox News North"

From: Cesar Fernandez-Stoll [] Sent: September 4, 2010 9:19 AM To: '' Cc: '' Subject: RE: Canada: Stop "Fox News North" From a very good friend I have received your invocation to manipulate the CRTC in favour of Canadian Main Stream Media, an even if it is to be found ‘impressive’ that 50,000 people might have signed such a petition; the hope is in that it is nothing but 50,000 of the over 30 million Canadians that actually believe in this nonsense.


During and after any endeavour we tend to seek to feel good and satisfy with the result of our efforts, and as this feeling of accomplishment and achievement fills our emotions; often we tend to distract the true goals of the enterprise and the truth itself regarding our accomplishments. Over and over again we go through interminable lists of tasks and activities required to achieve our objectives while frequently dismissing what appears not to be related or even involved in the project that will take us towards the happy ending, the result of our dreams. Clearly there are projects and projects, aimed at crystallizing a myriad of dreams and also producing infinite solutions to specific and no so specific issues and problems, resolving or preventing them.


Everything in life is not black and white, a selective pattern which only allows two alternatives. This nevertheless, does not mean not to exist issues where the choices are as blatantly clear as black and white. The foundation and strength of the collective social approach is based on the assumption that there are some people more gifted than others and for that reason, these people have a sort of divine gift and beyond it, mandate, to impose their plan upon others. Without a doubt, there are people more gifted than others in several areas and most definitively, not in all areas all the time; with wonderful special gifts but these especial qualities are not to be vehicles of oppression but as means towards common good and social justice, from the individual not from any collective scheme. Even the less gifted are capacitated to provide a contribution for the common good as are as blessed by God as each and everyone else.

Tradition, Family, and Property - Nothing Learned, Nothing Forgotten | Plinio Correa de Oliveira - the Counter-Revolution

Tradition, Family, and Property - Nothing Learned, Nothing Forgotten | Plinio Correa de Oliveira - the Counter-Revolution If both the Church and communism are blossoming, the latter is necessarily already defeated. It is just a matter of time. If both the Church and communism are weak, communism will become powerful, or the human race will generate some new monster that will turn on it. The N-L-N-F denies all this.


Our lives are made out of a sequence of lived experiences, of events and situations that are presented before us. They are a sequence because they are consequent to its own progress through time. There are those who see this progress as a sequence of accidentally occurring events and there are those who see a master plan behind these events, situations consequent of the wishes of a higher authority, a divine plan that is written upon each of us for our salvation and that of others.

Imposed Life Style

History teaches us of the many attempts made by humans trying to achieve the perfect balance in society, that condition by which everyone is satisfied and happy… Only to find that the system eventually crumbles from within because what is imposed upon everyone in the name of equality by the less righteous surely instigated by the evilness of the malign, the ultimate promoter of destruction and chaos.