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Showing posts from May 2, 2010

Obama Attack On Corporate Giant P&G Shatters US Stock Market |

The insistence is that Hugo Chavez 'cannot be a dictator' because he has been 'democratically' elected, but one thing has nothing to do with the other as one defines the means while the other the ends. P&G might not be but just another corporation for whatever reason, 'demonized', yet letting these actions to go 'unnoticed ', only increases the risk for everyone owning a business or even individuals and families, to be intruded by the nanny government for whatever reason they feel does not adjust to their 'morals'. It is up to we, the people, to stand up and clearly tell the government who is to be serving who and for what purpose Wherever we are and whichever country it is, it will always up to the people to show the strength of its resolve to claim the freedom God gave us and that only Him can take away. The good law we have an obligation to obey, the bad law with have the obligation to disobey.

HERMAN & SMITH: A winning path to immigration reform - Washington Times

The angles left out on the issue about immigration are skilled immigration and respect for the law. How about expanding the Arizona 'outrage' to actually charge the many businesses as well as homes who take advantage of illegals, under a modality of slavery nobody wants even to explore calling it slavery.  On the other hand, if they feel so compelled to decriminalize illegal immigration, why not just ignore immigration and let any one and everyone in and out as pleased.  The real matter is people using people and thinking closely to the issue, the matter is not really in the illegal, but on what makes people take the tremendous risks involved to go to a foreign country and have to surrender dignity and fortune just to seek better opportunities.  Maybe because there are not opportunities at home, and it is not because of over population, or maybe because the risks are manipulated for political aims.