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Showing posts from February 27, 2011

Coming elections

As the time to present the budget approaches and given the ‘risk’ of engaging yet another election, perhaps it is important to reflect on how Canada is working and how our government is servicing the people. Without idealism, the government is supposed to be by the people and for the people, or more clearly put, the government and all of its members serve the people not the other way around, because governments are made by the people.

Catholic School officials and politicians misinterpret Church teaching

Catholic School officials and politicians misinterpret Church teaching The same counts for politicians who present themselves as faithful to the Church but who, in their actions, demonstrate their rejection of Catholic teaching. When they do so in matters of grave sins, they excommunicate themselves from God and Church (# 1463). No one can command or establish what is contrary to the dignity of persons and the natural law (#2235).