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Showing posts from July 3, 2011

An Establishment in Panic - Pat Buchanan - Townhall Conservative

Taxes equate slavery, period. Yes some taxes are a necessary evil, but evil nevertheless and so the reason why taxes, need to be simple and small and specially applied with wisdom, because otherwise, there will be no winners, not even the elites in power who foolishly promote them. It is hard to forget when the Democrats were full in power, not passing a budget and then see them crying crocodile tears asking for the GOP or rather for the Tea Party to be not so, selfish(?!).

What Is the Fascination With Casey Anthony? - Sandy Rios - Townhall Conservative

Some times we must be much more perceptive than what our own impulses dictate. The case of Casey Anthony is not about her, it is about her child, for whom, apparently, never will be justice, not world justice this is. However, what it is to be highlighted and noticed here is the trend our society is following. No, the MSM is not addressing this matter, but it is coming out and popping before our eyes, and we, tend to dismiss this as yet another media exaggeration and sure, HLN must have made millions at its expense.

History Books Get Gay Makeover - Michael Reagan - Townhall Conservative

Appears to be the idea that Alexander, allegedly a sodomite, conquered just about the whole know world, because of what he did not so privately, which is what sodomites are all about; not because of the great general he was... and then history show us that well, he died at everyone does and now... we are suppose to admire his sodomy and not so much his military accomplishments, which by the way, showed not to be as cohesive as his empire did not last too long.