text (Mt 13,18-23): Jesus
said to his disciples, «Now listen to the parable of the sower. When a person
hears the message of the Kingdom but without taking it to himself, the devil
comes and snatches away what was sown in his heart. This is the seed that fell
along the footpath. The seed that fell on rocky ground stands for the one who
hears the word and accepts it at once with joy. But this fickle and has no
roots. No sooner is he harassed or persecuted because of the word, than he
gives up. The seed that fell among the thistles is the one who hears the word,
but then the worries of this life and the love of money choke the word, and it
does not bear fruit. As for the seed that fell on good soil it is the one who
hears the word and under-stands it; this bears fruit and produces a hundred, or
sixty, or thirty times more».
Dear Mr. Harper. As our leader, I am appealing to you two months now, before July 1 st , Canada day, on which we celebrate the nation we are wanting to be, and on which I have committed to the Lord, my walking pilgrimage to the Shrine in Midland, Ontario; that commemorate our true martyrs, people like us, who gave everything for the building of our nation, in the only possible way a nation could ever be build, by giving everything to God.