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Showing posts from June 27, 2010

No One Ever Dies of Cancer: The Shocking Truth

No One Ever Dies of Cancer: The Shocking Truth It is hard to challenge medical facts and medical authority especially when matters of addressing cancer are concerned. I believe however, that too many influences from our every day life 'conspire' to upset our nature and the balance of our bodies and among them the power of the mind is the one that is most corrupted by many 'ideals' we consider unchallengeable like the power of other people over us, the pursue of happiness through enrichment, or to feel powerless because we refuse to exercise our individuality and to maintain our dignity. Of course diets as well as environment count, but I think it is in the freedom of human spirit, trumpet by the pressures of our 'concessions' to modern life, which impact most when acquiring this 'rare' illnesses.

U.S. Supreme Court Rules Gay, Diversity Rights Override Religious Freedom

U.S. Supreme Court Rules Gay, Diversity Rights Override Religious Freedom Civilizations die from within. A 'right' that trumps other rights, cannot possibly be a genuine basic freedom but a parasite that will eat of the most basic ones. The freedom of the few cannot mean the enslaving of the rest. The truth must prevail so that civilization can survive.