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Showing posts from December 12, 2010

Sexually active girl's parents fined (original title in Sun Media)

From: Cesar Fernandez-Stoll [] Sent: December 11, 2010 9:08 AM To: '' Cc: ''; ''; '' Subject: Sexually active girl's parents fined Dear Tony. Having received the article enclosed below, I’d like to volunteer, humbly, some comments.   It seems to me that of any time of the year, this article marks precisely what we witness during the time of advent, not because of the hope that advent brings us with the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, but which John the Baptist and Elijah, as people that remained loyal to God refusing to follows the state just because it is the state but because it went away from the law of God.  

More about Bill 389

From: Cesar Fernandez-Stoll [] Sent: November 23, 2010 8:46 AM To: '' Cc: ''; ''; '' Subject: RE: Bill C-389 - An Act to amend the Canadian Human Rights Act and the Criminal Code (gender identity and gender expression) Dear Bev Oda Member of Parliament for Durham Minister of International Cooperation Thanks truly for your note. I am glad you mention the fact that many provisions do exist for the protection of every Canadian, despite of the many characteristics that differentiate one from the other. The point of my concern is that, precisely, because this ‘bill C-389’ under a different name, has been presented already a couple of times before and yes, it has been defeated, and then again, another bills have been presented, not like this, but to see a way to kill the elder and incapacitated, and then again another bills have been presented to kill b...

In the name of freedom and humanity and up most faith

From: Cesar Fernandez-Stoll [] Sent: November 21, 2010 10:05 AM To: '' Subject: In the name of freedom and humanity and up most faith Dear President of Pakistan , Asif Zardari: The problem in the whole world these days is lack of faith and that brings lack of hope and lack of love; virtues God has given us all to define our humanity, alongside with the gifts of freedom, defined by the gifts of the Holy Spirit.

Bill C-389 - An Act to amend the Canadian Human Rights Act and the Criminal Code (gender identity and gender expression)

From: Cesar Fernandez-Stoll [] Sent: November 11, 2010 10:47 AM To: '' Cc: ALL MP Subject: Bill C-389 - An Act to amend the Canadian Human Rights Act and the Criminal Code (gender identity and gender expression) Dear Mr. Stephen Harper, Prime Minister of Canada : I’d like to bring to your attention Bill C-389 now on the 3rd Session, 40th Parliament. A note states the following: “ This bill was introduced during the Second Session of the 40th Parliament. Pursuant to the Standing Orders of the House of Commons, it is deemed to have been considered and approved at all stages completed at the time of prorogation of the Second Session. The number of the bill remains unchanged.”

RE: First Debate on Canada's Coercive Abortion Bill Set for Monday

From: Cesar Fernandez-Stoll [] Sent: November 1, 2010 9:26 PM To: '' Cc: '' Subject: RE: First Debate on Canada's Coercive Abortion Bill Set for Monday Dear Honourable Marlene Jennings, P.C., M.P. Liberal Critic for Justice and the Attorney General Thanks very much for your reply. As I intended to express in my note, this type of legislation should not be necessary at all, in a free society this is, because in Canada, long before our times of political correctness, we’ve been enjoying the protection of the law not be coerced, especially on matters that represent the destruction of life.