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Showing posts from February 14, 2010

Leaked Document: No Opt-Out for Children from Pro-Gay Classes in Ontario Schools

Dear Mr. John Malloy, Director of Education, Hamilton-Wentworth District School Board < Hamilton , Ontario will not be permitted to withdraw from classes that promote homosexuality, according to the Hamilton Mountain News. At the same time, according to a leaked document obtained by a local journalist, teachers are being instructed to tell parents who object to the curriculum that “this is not about parent rights.”>>

Better than other

(A note sent to Canada Minister of Finance) As almost daily, we read about how better Canada is versus other economies… I wanted to volunteer some thoughts. Yes, Canada is ‘relatively’ in better shape than many other countries and very particularly of that of the United States and Britain . But the comfortable point assumed, of feeling the effect of ‘enjoying’ the goodness of our politics and politicians playing on us, or better said is, with us; is nothing to feel comfortable about.