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Showing posts from February 13, 2011

It’s (not) the end of the world as we know it – Glenn Beck

It’s (not) the end of the world as we know it – Glenn Beck I saw Glenn with O'Reilly last night on the Goolge intervention on the events in the middle east. Personally, I see your concerns and the possible 'conspiracy' going on in there. But the problem in the middle east is not lack of control but excess of control, because it is the people who cannot find its own way mainly because their governments mostly kings and dictators, only are caring for themselves and to preserve their own life styles and which traditionally has been controlled by throwing by the venue of religion to the western cultures to make them guilty in the eyes of their own for the life they have to live so that their controlling lords live theirs.

Taxes are killing Canadians

National Citizens Coalition: NCC Blog Many things are going wrong with the current establishment. The re-architect revolution Canada suffered in the last five decades or so, have created a new class of Pharaohs, untouchable and protective of their own life styles while letting the people of Canada be frozen in illusions of happiness and grandeur.

Planned Parenthood Corruption - The Story of Judicial Tyranny Against Phill Kline

Planned Parenthood Corruption - The Story of Judicial Tyranny Against Phill Kline The big question is really WHY? Why is it that this evil empire of death is let to reign unchallenged, while the public keeps a blind eye, a deaf ear and a silent speech against the culture that is only destroying our future, growth and prosperity. Cannot be their claim about women, because this vehicle of genocide is proven to be more against women than whatever event history can relate to. The victims are foremost the millions upon millions of babies killed mercilessly and unaccountably and euthanasia cannot be far behind.

‘We Are Living in the Midst of the Greatest Human Genocide in the History of Humanity,’ Rep. Franks Says of Legalized Abortion |

‘We Are Living in the Midst of the Greatest Human Genocide in the History of Humanity,’ Rep. Franks Says of Legalized Abortion | Life starts at conception and through natural life. How difficult is it to get it? and if there is anyone that can establish otherwise, come forward and explain... if you can. Only the evilness of selfishness lays between reason and genocide, between love and murder Stop abortion now!