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Showing posts from March 6, 2011

Is morality important in government? Whose morality?

Is morality important in government? Whose morality? It seems the idea of morality in government tends to bring into mind a violation of the matter of church and state. But the real question is morality as a yes or no issue. Is a country supported by moral laws or it is a matter only to just ‘navigate' through circumstances, making the governing people, acquire the ability to decide what is right and what is wrong.

Canadian researchers testing brains for hostility

Am I on the list? I do not disagree with some, few or most of the collectivist ‘ideals’, I DISAGREE WITH ALL of them. I think diametrically opposite to the ‘science’ of collectivism. Did I make it to the list yet? Considering that violent people are more or less self-evident, and on the other hand, terrorists, excluding the ones involved or engaged in the drug trafficking business, or more specifically put, the ones that are following a religion that says that you must kill infidels, are not likely to be self-evident in their violent behaviour but rather ‘dormant’ or in other words, sowing a more ‘pacific’ image, how is that this ‘idiotic’ idea will help to anyone but to those that actually will see a need to restrict or impede the freedom of opinion or of course, religion, and we all know that the religion above described is not in the ‘list’ of religions these gurus want suppressed because they know of only one religion that persistently show to be harmful and risky, to other ...

No funding for sports facilities: Ottawa - National Post

Too many... all of them, programs are subsidized by taxpayers... that's right... us, the ones that pay, the ones that struggle to grow and prosper... and the media and the politicians keep saying it is the Federal Government paying or it is the Provincial government paying or it is the Municipality paying... and how could we ignore... it is the big corporations paying... On all of the above, it is always and invariably; us, the taxpayer who ends up paying.