Life and freedom are amongst the most important gifts God has given us, if not the most. We are so used to appreciate our freedom as an allowance to do as we feel pleased, not as our ability to chose and decide the paths but as a right to see that path as always the proper one to follow. When a tyrant or for that matter, any type of authority, puts chains on us or ties or restricts our ability to move, we tend to believe that our freedom has been restricted. Naturally, to be or feel restrained means to have lost our freedom to move, but it is not the most important thing to be detained or incarcerated. The most important loss in our freedom is when we abandon that ability to choose by ourselves, the truth. We can be physically in chains, but our freedom will remain intact. Freedom is a gift by which we become accountable in our actions to the One and only living God. This means our choices are not always right and not always the best and for them we must be ready to live through the...
Through these thoughts I intend to present my own personal view, opinions and appreciations of life in Canada and the world at the beginnings of this century/millenium.