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Showing posts from September 26, 2010

Today’s letters: Trudeau’s uneven legacy | Full Comment | National Post

Today’s letters: Trudeau’s uneven legacy | Full Comment | National Post The 'legacy' of Trudeau is even, not uneven. He gave impulse to the destruction of Canada by hitting it in its moral foundation. No more individuals where such, but simply pawns of the system, elites emerged to be lords where before they were only that in their own turfs, where they needed to sacrifice and risk. Risk became a bad word if not scary and with the comradeship of big banks and corporations, the Canadian culture became a protected one, of risking and daring and so, with competitiveness went dignity, the powerful tool abused by politicians to acquire all, so sodomites were allowed out of the closet because the government was supposed not to be allowed in anybody's bedroom, with the opposite effect, because sodomites managed to make everyone into their bedrooms and we must now consider their filth, just what they are and a human right, to reign over every other liberty we as individuals, prev...

Where Are All the Prosecutions? -

Where Are All the Prosecutions? - With the drive that Conrad Black and Enron executives were prosecuted you could have guessed that the so called culprits of the worldwide financial debacle of all times would be all by now behind bars... I guess the truth is probably very scary and the current powerful lords of change don't want to even get near to the real origins of it... the Freddie and Mac Sub-Prime Mortgage instigated by laws that have nothing to do with serving the public but with fooling the people and of course, the comradeship between certain powerful corporations and the government. The only answer to this, more than revenge, is justice and besides prosecuting culprits, freedom to the people needs to be restored by eliminating taxes that prevent the people to enjoy the proper cash flow to be themselves in paying their obligations and by drastically reducing the size of government so it cannot happen again. This is valid not only in the US but also...

Strict laws protect women | Columnists | Comment | Toronto Sun

Strict laws protect women | Columnists | Comment | Toronto Sun A Canadian Superior court, nonetheless, have ruled once more, no doubt with the best intentions, to degrade women even further, by forcing the legalizing of the business of prostitution. Let's hope that our leaders this time, make proper use of their attributions and for once and for all put an end to the disgraceful degrading of women at every level. To give prostitution a go, cannot mean to let the so called 'sex professionals' exercise their trade, but on the contrary, it can only mean to discourage women at every level to see the dignity of their humanity and their own genuine worth in society and over and above everything and anything, before God.

Love and Forgiveness

The creed of the apostles describes more or less what a Christian believes and Our Lord’s Prayer describes what a good Christian’s life needs to be, the sermon of the mountain describes what Christian life in the world is. Our humanity is described by our distinctions from the rest of the natural kingdom as we are creatures who have been blessed by special gifts and virtues and which we owe to having been created to the image and likeness of our creator, the only living God. Our humanity therefore, make us unique and as a consequence of that uniqueness, provides us with an identity before our creator, individually and the dignity to be, over and above the rest of creation, their custodians. As human beings, even though we have a close and intimate relationship with God, we are social by virtue of the love we have inherited upon creation. The gifts from the Holy Spirit provide us with the tools necessary for the job of not being just custodians of the planet we inhabit and share with...

If Society is to survive, Tea Party Movement Must Go International

If Society is to survive, Tea Party Movement Must Go International The Tea Party concept or idea is a fight against the establishment, the wrong establishment which has polluted the world, not just the United States and not just Canadian politics but the whole world. Of course the 'Tea Party' is perhaps in recognition of that Tea Party that in the Boston harbor ignited the American war for independence, nevertheless, it is the inspiration to what the movement is and conveys as a message. The message is simple; freedom and life, growth and prosperity for the people by the people. The reaction is against the trend we see everywhere in the world; a bunch of traitors in partnership with a bunch of cowards, surrendering everything, included the life of their children, to the wishes and designs of self proclaimed elites in the form of intellectuals and self serving politicians who insist on having the perfect design for all of us and at the same time claiming to be the ones capab...