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Showing posts from March 20, 2011

Bill O'Reilly: The Triumph of Evil

I don't think this current 'humanitarian campaign' is at all to do with any humanitarian effort. Ghadaffi is a lawless criminal and a dictator and that has been learned and digested, in the hardest terms, for the last 40 years. The truth, I think everybody knows is the first victim on every conflict. And I believe another one that says than in war is that there is no substitute to victory.

From CHP, Strong Families = Strong Canada

I can say about what I have seen. Women at work paying more attention to what the government can give them than what the government is taking away. Daycare cannot possibly be a right, under any circumstance. Because it is the duty of the parents to take care of their children from conception to the time they leave home.

God keep our land? The math is against it

Wrong! Religion is on each and every individual mind. The question is of what religion the individual, and in this case, Canadians as individuals, talk about a dissapearing act; believe on. So, the problem, because it is a problem nevertheless, is that Canada, is more and more falling into the depths of selfishness and so the religious fanatism that seems to define a dissapearing of religion, is nothing but the imposition by virtue of the state and the media, of that idea that the individual, because it surrenders to the state and the media his/her fundamentals liberties, it has abandoned religion. On the contrary, it has embraced it and with fury, only to expect from everyone and anyone everything, because the new god is the self and the image to worship is their ego and while the state and the media, keep giving to them, the new monks of selfishness will not abandon them. Collectivism has been a great way to impose this new 'faith'. But faith is an oxymoron for what this ...

A federal election - to be or not to be?

Should an election be called; I think it is time to protests against parliamentary dictatorship. Ignatieff, Layton or PQ; are out of the question for many reasons and Harper, well, being on the defensive of his government and then again not caring really very much for what governments should more appreciate, life and freedom, I would not vote for him either. Hey, aren't we supposed to be looking for a vote for 'our' representative?