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Showing posts from August 15, 2010

Welcome Newcomers!

This is the never ending story and it will happen over and over again, because this country is attractive, not necessarily to the ones that want to get through the front door, to work and prosper in a land with abundant opportunities, but to the ones that after all the goodies our society of plenty has to offer; free medical attention, free residence, free care, free… everything. All paid by the government who will be always ready to confiscate from the hard working ones… so that all of this is possible. Perhaps it’s time to just leave the doors open, to everyone and save all the trouble by simply letting anyone in and make them enjoy our paradise… No more immigration problems.

Mosque adjacent to Ground Zero

Regarding the article pointed by this link (click please on the title above) I don't think the Carmelites had any work on the calamity of the holocaust, neither I believe, it to be an exclusive Jew sacred place. As far as the Mosque close to ground zero is concerned, which has no equivalence but to urinating in the pain of so many relatives and friends of the ones perished on 9/11, which by the way was an act of religious freedom, but of the worst order; it should not be permitted. The Islamic community has many ways to represent themselves and to claim exception from the crime against humanity that took place on September 11, 2001 . They seemed to have bypassed all of them. From the celebrations in the streets, the world witnessed, exclusive to the Islamic world, after these poor souls lost in their hate and misguidance threw themselves into hell claiming to be fighting the great Satan while embracing the real one, to many other occasions where they could have simply claim exc...


Many of us live entrapped in the past, slave of it, for something that happened or something that did not happen, events that left indelible marks, scars that produced bars with locks, that made escaping impossible and unlikely in self incarceration. Many others too, live entrapped in the future, always concerned with what it will be, not just to themselves but to the universe altogether, and the jail that holds them is made of dreams and nightmares, thinking on how good it will be or how disastrous, only if acting now means not to enjoy today so that they can enjoy tomorrow, so that they won’t enjoy today because otherwise, they will loose tomorrow, even before the impossibility of know how far tomorrow is and much it will last, at either end, the anxiety to control to the point of assuming ownership of the present in the lives of everyone else, pushes them to drag, to suck; others into their slavery, into their prisons, not living and not letting live.