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Showing posts from September 22, 2013

The Son of Man will be delivered into human hands

Gospel text ( Luke 9,43b-45) : While all were amazed at everything Jesus did, He said to his disciples, «Listen and remember what I tell you now: The Son of Man will be delivered into human hands». But the disciples didn't understand this saying; something prevented them from grasping what He meant, and they were afraid to ask him about it.

What do people say about me? (...). Who do you say I am?

Gospel text ( Luke  9,18-22) : One day when Jesus was praying alone, not far from his disciples, He asked them, «What do people say about me?». And they answered, «Some say that you are John the Baptist; others say that you are Elijah, and still others that you are one of the former prophets risen from the dead». Again Jesus asked them, «Who then do you say I am?». Peter answered, «The Messiah of God». Then Jesus spoke to them, giving them strict orders not to tell this to anyone. And he added, «The Son of Man must suffer many things. He will be rejected by the elders and chief priests and teachers of the Law, and put to death. Then after three days he will be raised to life».

And he was anxious to see him

Gospel text ( Luke  9,7-9) : King Herod heard of all that Jesus was doing and did not know what to think, for people said, «This is John, raised from the dead». Others believed that Elijah or one of the ancient prophets had come back to life. As for Herod, he said, «I had John beheaded; who is this man about whom I hear such wonders?». And he was anxious to see him.

Jesus called his twelve disciples and gave them power and authority to drive out all evil spirits and to heal diseases

Gospel text ( Luke  9,1-6) : Jesus called his twelve disciples and gave them power and authority to drive out all evil spirits and to heal diseases. And He sent them to proclaim the kingdom of God and to heal the sick. He instructed them, «Don't take anything for the journey, neither walking stick, nor bag, nor bread, nor silver coins; and don't even take a spare tunic. Whatever house you enter, remain there until you leave that place. And wherever they don't welcome you, leave the town and shake the dust from your feet: it will be as a testimony against them». So they set out and went through the villages, proclaiming the good news and healing people everywhere.

My mother and my brothers are those who hear the word of God and do it

Gospel text ( Luke  8,19-21) : The mother and relatives of Jesus came to him, but they could not get to him because of the crowd. Someone told him, «Your mother and your brothers are standing outside and wish to meet you». Then Jesus answered, «My mother and my brothers are those who hear the word of God and do it».

He puts it on a lamp-stand so that people coming in may see the light

Gospel text ( Luke  8,16-18) : Jesus said to his disciples, «No one, after lighting a lamp covers it with a bowl or puts it under the bed; rather he puts it on a lamp-stand so that people coming in may see the light. In the same way, there is nothing hidden that shall not be uncovered; nothing kept secret that shall not be known clearly. Now, take care how well you listen, for whoever produces will be given more, but from those who do not produce, even what they seem to have will be taken away from them».

You cannot give yourself both to God and to Money

Gospel text ( Luke  16,1-13) : Jesus told his disciples, «There was a rich man whose steward was reported to him for fraudulent service. He summoned the steward and asked him: ‘What is this I hear about you? I want you to render an account of your service for it is about to be terminated’. The steward thought to himself: ‘What am I to do now? My master will surely dismiss me. I am not strong enough to do hard work, and I am ashamed to beg. I know what I will do: I must make sure that when I am dismissed, there will be some people to welcome me into their house’. »So he called his master's debtors one by one. He asked the first who came: ‘How much do you owe my master?’. The reply was: ‘A hundred jars of oil’. The steward said: ‘Here is your bill. Sit down quickly and write there fifty’. To the second he put the same question: ‘How much do you owe?’. The answer was: ‘A thousand measures of wheat’. Then he said: ‘Take your bill and write eight hundred’. »The master commended t...