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Showing posts from May 16, 2010

Tasha Kheiriddin: Abortion law an unavoidable debate - Full Comment

How difficult is to get the right idea of the problem of abortion of pregnancy? LIFE The so feared debate is not about rights of women or religious fanatics, but simply about civilization, about protecting the life of all humans from conception to natural death. The author of this article tries to analyze every angle trying uselessly to find a middle ground some magic line that supposedly will satisfy everyone, forgetting the main subject who is the forever victim of any one of these 'procedures'; the human being alive and in process of development since day one, the time of conception and who is would be sacrificed to the expectation of a social peace based on satisfying egos while degrading human life under that of irrational animals and other species, because with the ability to reason, we are disregarding ourselves as subjected to the capricious life style of some other person or in the case of rape, to the frustration of an already terrible crime. There is n...

Illegal Immigration and Catholic Social Teaching :: Catholic News Agency (CNA)

I believe the illegal condition of the people under such a situation is being exploited and not necessarily by Arizona but some of the ones loudly claiming many objections while forgetting the person they are pretending to protect. No, amnesty would not fix anything as it would simply be unfair to the rest of society and probably would only obtain votes for the wrong side of politics. The focus should instead be on the ones that employ these illegal immigrants and exploit them with inhuman salaries, be these individuals or businesses, under the sole expectation of obtaining cheap labor or more clearly put, XXI century slave traffic.

Canadian MPs Praise Pro-Life Successes, Vow to Keep up Fight at March for Life

Let's pray for our representatives, all of them; to start actively working for the culture of life, not just outside, where they can be seen, with no intention of diminish their courage, but within as well, standing before their own crowd to for once and for all, set the terms of the law to protect each and every one of us, from conception to natural death.

Corrupt Nation: Money, greed, power

To see the straw in our neighbor eye while ignoring the log in our own. The Canadian establishment is as much if not more corrupted as it is that of the USA. Have not the National Post learned about our politicians refusing to be audited, as every Canadian is, on simple every day expenses the incur with our money?

Abortion vote 'inevitable,' MP says -

I guess I must start by describing myself as part of that religious right this article so much insisting on highlighting. That means that I am in the group of believers as opposed to unbelievers. The use of the religious connotation is designed to imply something that is related to what people think about religion, like implying that most of the people is not religious and therefore the ones that are actually pro-life as opposed to the ones that are against-life, sorry, pro-choice to kill a human being because, just because; are all religious.