As history follows its path, in an era of highly developed communications, becoming more and more difficult to communicate or to convey the truth, people are more prompt to listen, see, or say, than what the truth requires but what their expectations perceive. Over and over again, the forces of evil seem to have every opportunity they want, every chance they can get, to try to turn into law; what the malign resolves is good for his designs, for the damnation of our once blessed nation and humanity altogether. Politicians lost in the anxieties of their own selfishness, obsessed by material gain, or simple thirst for power and control; fall easily to what is imbued to them through their weakened wills and even if initially they oppose the idea of destroying life and freedom, their ambition ultimately surrenders to the temptation of being noticed or to preserve the tenure of the privileges they have themselves invented to be elevated above the rest of humanity as an imposed elite.
Through these thoughts I intend to present my own personal view, opinions and appreciations of life in Canada and the world at the beginnings of this century/millenium.