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Showing posts from April 11, 2010

The end of politics

As history follows its path, in an era of highly developed communications, becoming more and more difficult to communicate or to convey the truth, people are more prompt to listen, see, or say, than what the truth requires but what their expectations perceive. Over and over again, the forces of evil seem to have every opportunity they want, every chance they can get, to try to turn into law; what the malign resolves is good for his designs, for the damnation of our once blessed nation and humanity altogether. Politicians lost in the anxieties of their own selfishness, obsessed by material gain, or simple thirst for power and control; fall easily to what is imbued to them through their weakened wills and even if initially they oppose the idea of destroying life and freedom, their ambition ultimately surrenders to the temptation of being noticed or to preserve the tenure of the privileges they have themselves invented to be elevated above the rest of humanity as an imposed elite.

Harper won't support Tory MP's abortion bill

Stephen Harper will go into history as the guy that couldn't because it was too risky There is nothing really to be debated about abortion or the real meaning; the killing of a baby in the womb... and the fear to face the truth will now accept the legal forcing of a woman to kill her child... to be subjected to abortion... and we thought refusing the advances of Ignatieff and Bob Rae to go on with financing killings abroad was something better... it only confused the opposition, beyond their natural confusion... we need a change and fast

Sheriff Joe is at it again!

You all remember Sheriff Joe Arpaio of Arizona , who painted the jail cells pink and made the inmates wear pink prison garb. Well......... SHERIFF JOE IS AT IT AGAIN! (Copied from an email I've recently received)   Oh, there's MUCH more to know about Sheriff Joe! Maricopa County was spending approx. $18 million dollars a year on stray animals, like cats and dogs. Sheriff Joe offered to take the department over, and the County Supervisors said okay. The animal shelters are now all staffed and operated by prisoners. They feed and care for the strays. Every animal in his care is taken out and walked twice daily. 

Red Envelope Campaign 2010 Launched (

Let the PMO know 41 years of unborn child-killing in Canada is 41 years too many. May 14, 2010 marks 41 years since the Parliament of Canada passed Justice Minister Pierre Trudeau's omnibus bill removing criminal sanctions for abortion in Canada under certain circumstances (these included the emotional health of the mother, abortionspeak for 'for any reason at all'). Since that time, it is estimated that nearly 4 million unborn babies have been killed by abortion, depriving Canada of the invaluable contributions they may have made to society.

The rise of global statism

Terence Corcoran, Financial Post The government is not the solution to the problem it is part of the problem... Yet it is the people all over the world who seems too 'happy(?)' or is it to distracted, scared(?), to even dare participating in the political process... while politicians keep sucking every resource available to prosperity so that it can be converted into something they qualify as 'progress'

CambridgeTimes Article: Look for possible signs of suicide

"Suicide is now the second leading cause of death for Canadians between the ages of 10 and 24, according to the Canadian Psychiatric Association." Yet the list of causes, include everything possible, except lack of faith, hope and/or love. We live in a world that is day after day doing everything possible to remove truth and love from our lives, a world that has become relative to the moment, yet we are trying to find 'signs' that belong to that moment when all we need is to open our hearts to God. Could having no meaning to our existence or have no beliefs or rely only on luck, be vehicles of depression? We have to recognize before anything that God is there for us and we must put aside our fears and build our faith, hope and most above everything; love. We do have a reason to be, a mission in life and if we open our hearts to God, the truth will be open to us. Every human person is an important contributor to society. How can suicide be a matter of concer...


By James P. Tucker, Jr. The fallacy of Bilderberg The individuality of the human person, his/her dignity and identity; removed by the power of consensus or is it the consensus of power. Global slavery under collectivism, state driven or capitalism driven, collectivism altogether.