We are today living WWIII. It is not army versus army or nations trying to conquer, subdue or resist, other nations. It is two opposite systems colliding with each other in a world dominated by an establishment that recognize no human dignity, no personal freedom, no right to live. Although the hide behind the word peace, they want anything but peace for anyone besides themselves. Life, gender and the dignity of the human person, begin at conception and through natural death. It is human to be conceived, to be born and to die, after a lifetime in freedom. The elites of the world, the establishment hiding behind the insolent attempts to deny freedom to the people of the world under a dominance marked only by fortunes as immense as their egos and theories of collectivism Nader their vigilance, resembling a mixture of Islam and Marxism. Nothing of this is new in the history of civilization, or even of the world. History is plagued by events describing them and...
Through these thoughts I intend to present my own personal view, opinions and appreciations of life in Canada and the world at the beginnings of this century/millenium.