Arts are the window of the soul someone said, and an illusion, an imaginary idea put into a fantasy or fantastic perspective. The intentions of the artist are as diverse as the stories that can be constructed and as the variety of messages are there to convey. Movies have a late entrance in the scene of artistic expressions to share with literature, theater, painting, poetry, sculpture, and music, not necessarily in any specific order. However, moving pictures have evolved to be of the greatest influence in society and be credited with producing a huge impact particularly amongst the youth. As any artistic expression, movies have too their different ranges of quality depending on a variety of aspects and as technology plays more and more a part in the production of any film, the angles under which a movie can be appreciated, vary and multiply.
Through these thoughts I intend to present my own personal view, opinions and appreciations of life in Canada and the world at the beginnings of this century/millenium.