Today’s letters: Trudeau’s uneven legacy | Full Comment | National Post
The 'legacy' of Trudeau is even, not uneven. He gave impulse to the destruction of Canada by hitting it in its moral foundation. No more individuals where such, but simply pawns of the system, elites emerged to be lords where before they were only that in their own turfs, where they needed to sacrifice and risk. Risk became a bad word if not scary and with the comradeship of big banks and corporations, the Canadian culture became a protected one, of risking and daring and so, with competitiveness went dignity, the powerful tool abused by politicians to acquire all, so sodomites were allowed out of the closet because the government was supposed not to be allowed in anybody's bedroom, with the opposite effect, because sodomites managed to make everyone into their bedrooms and we must now consider their filth, just what they are and a human right, to reign over every other liberty we as individuals, previously enjoy, the assault on dignity went top the extreme of going against women and the most innocent, and killing children in the name of another invented right, that of choosing, as if choosing was not something we exercise at every instant in our lives, getting rid or rather, measuring the consequences depending on how politically correct these were.
So it is the 'even' legacy of Pierre Elliot Trudeau, a great leader for the strength of his convictions and the power of his impulse, which has nothing to do with being right but with having the route free to do as he pleased.
This bring the issue right back to us, because at the other side of the equation is where we stand, as individuals, believing in God and His infinite mercy, trying to save the institutions of family and marriage from the claws of government and political correctness and our future by rescuing babies from being massacred, and we still seem to see only what is convenient for us, while totally ignoring the sacrifice that is demanded from us in order to reverse this wrong direction we’ve been induced by not fighting Trudeau and his ideals.
Of course there are voices that keep claiming that they fought and lost, but the question is if that is reason enough to declare surrender and stop the fight and just live with what we have left which is all ion the hands of the government subjected to what the establishment will command.
We must restore our faith in God so that we can regain hope in the future and resolve to live for loving which means giving not expecting to receive and therefore worrying just about ourselves. This does not transform us into communists but into Christians. To become communists would be to let the system ‘work’ as Trudeau has commanded, checking our brains and souls as well as our hearts to the government while pretending that our Canada is, as the acolytes of Trudeau implied; the best country in the world.
Only the resolve to fight will give us our country back.
So it is the 'even' legacy of Pierre Elliot Trudeau, a great leader for the strength of his convictions and the power of his impulse, which has nothing to do with being right but with having the route free to do as he pleased.
This bring the issue right back to us, because at the other side of the equation is where we stand, as individuals, believing in God and His infinite mercy, trying to save the institutions of family and marriage from the claws of government and political correctness and our future by rescuing babies from being massacred, and we still seem to see only what is convenient for us, while totally ignoring the sacrifice that is demanded from us in order to reverse this wrong direction we’ve been induced by not fighting Trudeau and his ideals.
Of course there are voices that keep claiming that they fought and lost, but the question is if that is reason enough to declare surrender and stop the fight and just live with what we have left which is all ion the hands of the government subjected to what the establishment will command.
We must restore our faith in God so that we can regain hope in the future and resolve to live for loving which means giving not expecting to receive and therefore worrying just about ourselves. This does not transform us into communists but into Christians. To become communists would be to let the system ‘work’ as Trudeau has commanded, checking our brains and souls as well as our hearts to the government while pretending that our Canada is, as the acolytes of Trudeau implied; the best country in the world.
Only the resolve to fight will give us our country back.