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It’s (not) the end of the world as we know it – Glenn Beck

It’s (not) the end of the world as we know it – Glenn Beck

I saw Glenn with O'Reilly last night on the Goolge intervention on the events in the middle east.

Personally, I see your concerns and the possible 'conspiracy' going on in there. But the problem in the middle east is not lack of control but excess of control, because it is the people who cannot find its own way mainly because their governments mostly kings and dictators, only are caring for themselves and to preserve their own life styles and which traditionally has been controlled by throwing by the venue of religion to the western cultures to make them guilty in the eyes of their own for the life they have to live so that their controlling lords live theirs.

The uprisings in the middle east could certainly go either way and we can only hope that while they go towards freedom particularly for the individual, this go as peaceful as possible.

I think BHO is making a terrible mistake in not recognizing the legitimate aspirations of the ones wanting that freedom and to not having the courage to play the cards of truth and freedom on them, not democracy, freedom, because 'democracy' has been terribly misused and misinterpreted, particularly by the collectivist society on making it a choice of the majorities, which in effect has become the choice of the minorities as well and which means is the choice of nobody but the reigning elites. A complete 360 degree circle towards exactly where the problems of the middle east reside.

We must have the courage to live our beliefs and fight for them, the courage to speak up when needed and to shut up when is prudent, but to ignore the plight of the people for freedom just because it might make the ones trapped in the wrong phantoms angry, is not leadership but solely cowardice.

Google I do not think is the problem and perhaps they should try to do that in China as well although obviously the west have surrendered to them by now the future, becoming harder and harder to react towards freedom again.


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