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Leaked Document: No Opt-Out for Children from Pro-Gay Classes in Ontario Schools

Dear Mr. John Malloy, Director of Education, Hamilton-Wentworth District School Board
<Hamilton, Ontario will not be permitted to withdraw from classes that promote homosexuality, according to the Hamilton Mountain News. At the same time, according to a leaked document obtained by a local journalist, teachers are being instructed to tell parents who object to the curriculum that “this is not about parent rights.”>>
The text above is extracted from, according to; the leaked Document: No Opt-Out for Children from Pro-Gay Classes in Ontario Schools
Respect to other people requires for people to respect themselves and to infiltrate the education system in order to invade the rights of parents and children with nothing but the idea that sex between people of the same gender is ‘equity’, simply defeats the respect the ones wanting this program claim to deserve but also that of the educational system altogether.
The question that becomes really critical is on what exactly are you prepared to do with parents that despite being told that this is not about their God given parental rights, they do object. Are you prepared to deal with every circumstance?
The government has no authority to mess with children minds, very particularly with regards to imposing a life style, a sinful practice as a norm. The role of a government is not to make people equal between themselves, especially by trying to reduce each and everyone to the worst moral degradation. The role of a government is to protect life and freedom. Imposing a life style just because people in power feel it is the opportunity to force it upon everyone is not equality but dictatorship, tyranny, absolutism.
What should be taught is more about Christianity and thereby faith, hope and love. Not to fear because God is for us with us and that there is hope because even sodomy is a habit that can be changed by renouncing to it and salvation will be within reach, that love is about giving and not about taking away, or expecting to receive from perturbing the minds of innocent children the benefits of perpetuating a lie.
Sodomy is curable and that is what everyone needs to know and so needs to be taught. There are hundreds upon hundreds of examples in the internet and your local church can quickly inform you of the possibilities. Of course, I am talking about the true church and not those fake ones that have bent to the desires of the same people that like with your board, has succeeding on making them believe there is no cure, so be aware and don’t let them confuse you.
Christ came to meddle with sinners for their redemption and ours, because we all are sinners in one way or the other and that is the beauty about Christianity; we can all reach salvation, as long as we want to deal with our sins.
Lent starts today, what a great opportunity to give faith, hope and love; a chance.
If we deny sin and live a lie, then salvation cannot be reached because we are refusing to come out of it, to let God in our lives.
Even sodomites have hope and, salvation is within their reach if only they allow it.
Please exercise your leadership and your good sense and save these souls, not only those of the children about to be exposed to the degradation of sodomy but of the sodomites in need of encountering the truth.
César Fernández-Stoll
Cambridge, ON, Canada (personal portal) (Blog en Español)

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