text (Mathew 12,46-50):
While Jesus was still talking to the people, his mother and his brothers wanted
to speak to him and they waited outside. So someone said to him, «Your mother
and your brothers are just outside; they want to speak with you». Jesus
answered, «Who is my mother? Who are my brothers?». Then He pointed to his
disciples and said, «Look! Here are my mother and my brothers. Whoever does the
will of my Father in heaven is for me brother, sister, or mother».
Dear Mr. Harper. As our leader, I am appealing to you two months now, before July 1 st , Canada day, on which we celebrate the nation we are wanting to be, and on which I have committed to the Lord, my walking pilgrimage to the Shrine in Midland, Ontario; that commemorate our true martyrs, people like us, who gave everything for the building of our nation, in the only possible way a nation could ever be build, by giving everything to God.