text (Mt 12,14-21):
The Pharisees went out and made plans to get rid of Jesus. As Jesus was aware
of the plot, He went away from that place. Many people followed him and He
cured all who were sick. Then He gave them strict orders not to make him known.
In this way Isaiah's prophecy was fulfilled: «Here is my servant whom I have
chosen, the one I love, and with whom I am pleased. I will put my Spirit upon
him and He will announce my judgment to the nations. He will not argue or
shout, nor will his voice be heard in the streets. The bruised reed He will not
crush, nor snuff out the smoldering wick. He will persist until justice is made
victorious and in him all the nations will put their hope».
Dear Mr. Harper. As our leader, I am appealing to you two months now, before July 1 st , Canada day, on which we celebrate the nation we are wanting to be, and on which I have committed to the Lord, my walking pilgrimage to the Shrine in Midland, Ontario; that commemorate our true martyrs, people like us, who gave everything for the building of our nation, in the only possible way a nation could ever be build, by giving everything to God.