Gospel text (John 14,27-31a): Jesus said to his
disciples, «Peace be with you; I give you my peace. Not as the world
gives peace do I give it to you. Do not be troubled; do not be afraid.
You heard me say: ‘I am going away, but I am coming to you’. If you
loved me, you would be glad that I go to the Father, for the Father is
greater than I. I have told you this now before it takes place, so that
when it does happen you may believe. It is very little what I may still
tell you, for the ruler of this world is at hand, although there is
nothing in me that he can claim. But see, the world must know that I
love the Father and that I do what the Father has taught me to do. Come
now, let us go»
Dear Mr. Harper. As our leader, I am appealing to you two months now, before July 1 st , Canada day, on which we celebrate the nation we are wanting to be, and on which I have committed to the Lord, my walking pilgrimage to the Shrine in Midland, Ontario; that commemorate our true martyrs, people like us, who gave everything for the building of our nation, in the only possible way a nation could ever be build, by giving everything to God.