KUHNER: Obama's homosexual America - Washington Times
Obama is a desperate man who has cornered himself, followers and whoever is dictating or part of his agenda, into an idealistic utopia, we all know and which is collectivism and which has been defeated and will be defeated again, because is nothing but a dream which depends on people being controlled by the state, but the will of selective elites and by the postulates of theories absent from reality and in contrast with the truth.
How strange it can then result that before so much loosing, Barrack Hussein Obama, comes now forward and of all things, decides that there are laws that are meant to be ignored only because his own opinion says they are unconstitutional... When again was the last time this guy was worried about the constitution of his country? Right, on one of his speeches, he claim the constitution was all wrong because it lack his socialistic dreams and so he decree it to be a live document or what more clearly means, that he will manipulate it to his will... In essence, the actions of any dictator out there, any despot and any tyrant.
Such is the so proclaimed 'transformation' he wants and which only him with his followers by convenience will find constitutional.
Obama is a desperate man who has cornered himself, followers and whoever is dictating or part of his agenda, into an idealistic utopia, we all know and which is collectivism and which has been defeated and will be defeated again, because is nothing but a dream which depends on people being controlled by the state, but the will of selective elites and by the postulates of theories absent from reality and in contrast with the truth.
How strange it can then result that before so much loosing, Barrack Hussein Obama, comes now forward and of all things, decides that there are laws that are meant to be ignored only because his own opinion says they are unconstitutional... When again was the last time this guy was worried about the constitution of his country? Right, on one of his speeches, he claim the constitution was all wrong because it lack his socialistic dreams and so he decree it to be a live document or what more clearly means, that he will manipulate it to his will... In essence, the actions of any dictator out there, any despot and any tyrant.
Such is the so proclaimed 'transformation' he wants and which only him with his followers by convenience will find constitutional.