From: Cesar Fernandez-Stoll []
Sent: September 18, 2010 10:10 AM
To: ''
Cc: ''; ''
Subject: RE: your note about the Ottawa Citizen and the actual position of the Government of Canada regarding sponsoring killing babies abroad.
Sent: September 18, 2010 10:10 AM
To: ''
Cc: ''; ''
Subject: RE: your note about the Ottawa Citizen and the actual position of the Government of Canada regarding sponsoring killing babies abroad.
Dear Ms. B. Oda:.
It’s good that the Government of Canada shows outrage about being ‘exposed’ as a promoter of death rather than life in the global sphere of politics. I really pray and hope that the courage found in this reaction is expanded to make it a policy also inside the country. It is after all the people of Canada which is actually not just financing any effort abroad but that in fact owns the resources so happily distributed, trying to make us look good.
I think it is time not only to change into a clean dress but to wash ourselves and change the underwear too.
It is shameful enough to see the opposition, in all three parties, presenting as a sole motive of concern and worst, to see the media presenting this as what the people of Canada is actually wishing to have. I am talking of course about the culture of death and its ramifications. The systematic killing of innocent babies under the idea that this is helping someone to be ‘fair’, the persistent attempts to impose killing elder and incapacitated under the idea of an absurd interpretation of ‘compassion’, and last but certainly not least; the destruction of the sacred institutions of family and marriage, starting by the mockery of the latter pretending that it can be any different to the union of one man and one woman to the exclusion of anyone else, this last one pretending it to be an act of ‘tolerance’ as if tolerance was a mandate to acquire peace.
Peace can only be real when the truth is supporting it, anything else is but a fools paradise.
There is and cannot be any other formula for peace, and the only way to reach it is by not being tolerant to what is not true or what offends God our creator with its sinful practices, like sodomy or adultery, and most important, murder and theft. I am sure your quick reaction is that Canada does not condone murder or theft. However, it is in Canada and by virtue of Canadian laws or the lack of them that murder is systematic across the land by allowing certain women and wrongly called ‘doctors’ to be poisoned by the absurd idea that there can be a ‘right’ to kill, when disguised as a ‘right to choose’ when neither can ever be a right as it implies the destruction of life. In the same tone, while you are raising your voice about the fact that Canada resources are not, being used for the promotion of abortion abroad, the fact that these ‘resources’ are being confiscated much ahead of the time when they can be used in favour of making our nation great, which in essence is theft by the system, makes our own resources, largely promoters of death because it is the constrained imposed by these confiscations that makes families to break or strain to the level of imposing upon themselves the destruction of life or of both and more members of the family to work so that budgets can be met. That is a very ‘safe’ for politicians to promote death and the government of Canada is sitting put covering its eyes, ears and mouth, doing nothing because it can be damaging to its image.
We are being exponentially robbed by our politicians through laws that are making us followers to the desires and wishes of them… you… and the opposition; who as they predicate, will make sure that everyone in Canada is ‘happy’ because our resources will ‘finally’ help people all over the world to kill babies so that they can look… like us!? …and the people, according to the media, is buying this a s the as the reason to ‘vote’ for anyone.
Canadians do not need governments run by omission, by being scared of the truth. We need governments that lead, confront and debate and seek clarity and understanding, that are peace lovers after being lovers of the truth, that are chosen by individuals because it is only individuals, families, perseverant marriages which can prosper through the freedom that allows them… us, to do so… growing and prospering by multiplying and by being fruitful. These are no ancient or obsolete ideas; these ideas have no age because they are supported by the truth.
I hope the government of Canada finds the courage to react to the status quo and first of all and by law, established that life start at conception and goes through natural death and that anything or anyone, attempting against that truth is attempting against the sanctity of life and therefore is a criminal. Life is not an opinion but a gift from God, our creator and no one is entitled to decide who can live or who should die.
I hope the government of Canada comes to realize that the people in order to prosper needs of resources and that those resources the people work so hard to have, cannot be simply confiscated at every front, because the people from being individuals with the state working for them, become transformed into mere slaves of the state. I wish you, the government of Canada you represent find the courage to look at the family and marriage, true marriage, first, as the foundation they are of any society or nation and that resolve to liberate us and allows us to make of this nation a prosper one by investing on it, not through the government, but directly consuming Canadian products, goods and services, for which we are currently severely restricted by the lack of cash needed to do so, Canadian goods and services of our choice not of that of the elites wrongly trying to re-architect our lives and future.
I hope that the government of Canada shakes itself out of the establishment that appears to keep it tied and inoperable and starts working for the people for the people and nobody else but the people.
I pray that the government of Canada finds the courage to work for life and freedom for our people so that this nation can be a true beacon of prosperity and faith in God, our creator, to the world, by staying out of our lives letting us prosper and grow and with us, the whole country.
César Fernández-Stoll (English) (English) (Español)
-----Original Message-----
From: []
Sent: September 16, 2010 9:56 AM
From: []
Sent: September 16, 2010 9:56 AM
Dear Mr. Fernandez-Stoll,
Thank you for your email concerning the Ottawa Citizen’s article on September 2, 2010. Please see below for the Minister’s Letter to the Editor regarding this article:
Dear editor,
An article entitled “Bev Oda sees the light on family planning” in the September 2 edition of The Ottawa Citizen has misrepresented our Government's position on Canada’s G-8 initiative on maternal, newborn, and child health (MNCH).
Our Government has been very clear that Canada’s G-8 signature initiative on child and maternal health will not include abortion. Parliamentarians have also voted in the House of Commons and supported our Government's position on the matter. The initiative has received overwhelming support across the country and internationally.
Canada's G-8 MNCH initiative will focus on improving the health of mothers and children and reducing maternal and infant mortality. The causes of maternal and child mortality are known and easily preventable. We have the tools to make a tangible difference in the lives of millions. We have outlined publicly that Canada's initiative will support health systems by increasing access to local community health centres in the rural and more remote areas that are inadequately equipped and resourced.
Further, Canada’s G-8 initiative will support training for health care workers; better nutrition and provision of micronutrients; treatment and prevention of diseases such as pneumonia, diarrhea, malaria, and sepsis; screening and treatment for sexually transmitted diseases; proper medication; immunization; clean water and sanitation; and family planning.
In fact, Canada has never directly funded any project aimed at increasing the availability of abortion in developing countries. We will focus our efforts on areas where we can have the most impact and save the lives of mothers and children. Our Government will not re-open the debate on abortion, at home or abroad.
In addition, the suggestion that the federal government is on the verge of funding or re-funding any specific organization is inaccurate. CIDA has neither called for, nor received applications from any organizations for funding under Canada’s MNCH G-8 initiative, therefore no applications have been considered.
Canadians can be proud of our Government's efforts to save the lives of the most vulnerable mothers and children in the developing world.
The Honourable Beverley J. Oda Minister of International Cooperation