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The plea for life, love and truth

The world seems sedated in enthusiasm over the ‘hope’ that the proposed ‘change’ is to bring by the mantra offered with the events of last year in the election of Barack Hussein Obama to the presidency of the most powerful country in the world.

Sadly and putting aside all the considerations surrounding the contest in its fairness… or not… it is the issue of true government role when protecting people is concerned, property, privacy, freedom, and most above everything; life.
Change can be a very dangerous proposition when it is not known what is being changed and into what it is that it is being changed.
Satan is not match to God, the one and only living God and no servant of the devil can be powerful enough to destroy God’s designs for humanity, the truth of His love for us and the true peace this love projects.
The works of this ‘promise’ that so many ‘hopes’ offers, is making already itself evident in the prerogatives assumed by this poor and candid individual pushed into this most terrible task of attempting to remove God from our souls. In the few days the new administration is in ‘power’ and ‘control’, it has been decreed already, over and beyond the economical paradigms imposed which basically exploits the consequence of the greed of the few to castigate the many by removing control from private property destroying the foundation of freedom of enterprise, over and beyond the fallacies already predicated by the media with enthusiasm and alarming blindness, is the matter of going out of the way to satisfy the invented selfish right to choose for the killing of innocent babies in the womb with the negation of humanity in our essential dignity before God, as well as that other invented selfish that degrades the human person into nothingness with the practice of sodomy as to be protected by the state in detriment of natural law.
As on many events through history have proven, illusions of human superiority over God has resulted almost invariably in disastrous consequences to justice and common good, because it is only through the invention of death gods practical for the purpose of dominating or controlling other humans that these deeds were executed. However, it is as well proven that when righteousness is encountered a closeness to the true and only living God is found and therefore His infinite love and patience towards us has helped us find the truth of love and peace.
We need to get back to the truth of our nature and regain that momentum, that state of grace where it is our relationship, intimate and close to our creator the one that determines the goodness and happiness of our existence and this can only be possible through love and truth, through unconditionally giving from the individual and family through marriage of one man and one woman for growing and multiplying as it is our mandate.
To destroy life is not love for anyone but oneself therefore is selfishness for every intent and purpose.
Embracing life is giving the most of us for the loving of God as we follow his second most important commandment to love our neighbor as ourselves.


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