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Affordable Housing

At any point in time any house is an affordable house, or a house that can be afforded by the person or family living within. Tents are affordable houses as much as mansions are.

Governments, of any level cannot fix the housing problem because they are the housing problem. It is their taxes, mostly all of them irrational and ruthless, that causes people to go into financial stress and desperation. 

Why is it that a housing problem exists? 

Governments, of any level can only destroy economies by meddling in them. By legislating in favour of some and in detriment of others. Governments are not meant to choose winners and losers. By allowing such irrationality what it’s accomplished is corruption at the highest level. 

Let’s look at the construction matter. The narrative says governments of every level are engaged in building infrastructure, roads, trains, airports, etc. The construction industry of course goes beyond those areas but also and especially, it is about housing, only profitable housing.

Are there enough construction workers, prepared, licences or otherwise available for the humongous amount of constructions we see every day? 

There are construction signs all over and on every city, interrupting, obstructing and yes, destroying, because huge trucks not designed for street roads, relentlessly go jumping with full loads, creating more construction contracts for the future. 

Now, we are receiving a tremendous amount of newcomers, legal and not, mostly young guys, which are receiving government assistance but entertaining state of the art cell phones, credit cards given as welcome by most major banks as starting them into credit, their industry, totally assisted by government taxation. People who cannot afford houses and everything else, is supposed to have great credit because banks are going to make their lives affordable. 

Governments keep throwing taxes left, right and centre, and the banks laugh and enjoy it because even though their charts say that to afford a home you must apply not more than 30% of the after tax income for mortgage or rent. 

The government is in an open border policy allowing anyone to enter the country, and with it a policy of letting millions and millions of dollars to be invested in housing, for the newcomers and other cultures, as p;art of the multicultural mosaic expected to be the configuration of the country in the future. Many of these come with huge fortunes, as well as many from abroad also wealthy and looking for somewhere to land their fortunes to be converted somehow to legality, because none of these funds is questioned on their origin. 

If any person needs to deposit more than $9,999 at any financial institution, the existing laws will make this person go through a process of investigation under the presumption of money laundering before assuming innocence until proven guilty. Unless the funds, will fictitiously produce an impression of government policy delivering wealth. 

Construction of these types of affordable housing has generated a boom in prices, because the markets imposed by constructors have exploited these opportunities to increase prices, not necessarily costs, to extremes, consequently allowing only those in good fortune, as mentioned above, to afford these homes. 

Are governments really qualified to ‘fix’ housing prices or affordability? 

We have not an affordable housing problem, but a government problem, of corruption and extreme overtaxation. Obsessed with covering up the disastrous consequences of many decades taxing and then taxing again and over taxing on top of taxes, and which have diminished freedom for the individual and thereby for entrepreneurs to build the economy in the proper way, leaving the market to do the choosing between winners and losers. 

Taxes, no matter how much, to whom, for what, always and without exception, end up impacting most severely the little ones, those at the bottom of the food chain, those that took risks, which is obviously discouraged by politicians who know only of assuring their seats and grab their pensions, and need a break to rise from the ashes of their misfortunes. 

The problems of our times is that feudalism is being pushed to replace free enterprise under that fallacious world of global government which only will care for elites, mostly not self made but just play boys, or girls, enjoying a position of power and control which they will not relinquish but that will protect in detriment of the rest of the world. 

Our government is devoted to the WEF, that miserable gang in Davos, that has the UN under their thumbs and want national identity destroyed and with it the middle class across the board. 

Politicians will always choose to present solutions to problems they will individually describe as such, but never ever will dare to accept the truth behind the drama they and only themselves have produced. 

Faith only in God!

Hope only from God!

Truth, love, humility and forgiveness!

Government missions are only to protect life and freedom, and nothing else. Any deviation of that truth, under whatever excuse, will be only an assault on either; life and freedom. 


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