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Since day one of the virus a umber of options have been opened before us to deal with the menace. Unfortunately, politics have taken over science and it has been decreed that nobody can express not even an opinion under the threat of being silenced by social media which claims to know everything about anything better than anyone professional in the field. Doctors have been called to order and even her Atenea with losing their titles. 

Political manipulation has been imposed. It can be debatable about the intentions of such a social experiment, although clearly the world was about to suffer a transformation towards the truth which many countries have chosen to hide under the umbrella of Marxism, a system which allow the elites to control everything while the people, the masses, are injected to what the elites decide is ‘good’ or ‘bad’ for them. 

But the freeze of the world could not last too long under the risk of a global confrontation and so a magical vaccine came to be. While most vaccines took decades to develop and numerous tests. The vaccine for this virus was produced in record time and by a handful of laboratories enjoying, naturally, billions if not trillions in sales across the globe. 

But beware, these vaccines are not prefect, not because of the side or secondary effects potentially impacting certain people, but because them, we are being told, do  not really end the pandemic, or the virus, or all of the above. The vaccine needs to be given twice and within certain groups time between each application, and then again, it is not enough as everywhere the insistence of not just having both dosis but also of going under tests for the virus over and over again, persists. And if governments took the task of paying, with our only of course for all the tests, after the vaccine it is up to the individual to produce proof at a very high cost. The elites again can afford these tests, not the common people. 

The panic produced by the pandemic which government salivating with the consequences of so much control over the people, persists until, well, maybe a time when the people will have a chance to remove all the rotten politicians that have taken all of us where we are or maybe even worse. The history of the world show us way too many events that have made history by the horrific consequences of despots such as the ones we see today. 


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