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Thoughts about fear and faith

 Heretic heralds or heralds of the heretic. What is it? How did we get here?

Somehow at some point in relative recent history, the world has been transformed to be a vehicle of fear. Fear has been instituted as the motive of human existence. Forgetting what we are and where we proceed from, and even the truth, the foundation of justice, we’ve been transformed onto irrational animals following ignorance, deception and confusion, stampeding at the existence of any noise, anyone whom without concept or science behind, just tell us to go to destruction and we obey, without questioning or even thinking or reflexion. 
God, the one and only living One, our creator, to His image and likeness, since day one, when man ad woman were created, has been looking for us, individually and as a group, always revealing to us, putting before us evidence with clarity. And we have just drifted away from Him pushed or inspired by our own selfishness and ambitions, our greed, since that time described on the Bible as the temptation to Eve, the fall of Adam and condemnation of humankind to and original sin we refuse to acknowledge. Because by doing so, we risk stopping the trail to destruction we are on inspired by the devil, the malign, the heretic. 
The Bible shows us the whole process by which we were asked to follow the truth to the point of the incarnation of God of Mary the virgin chosen by Him and accepted by her to be our mother through the rest of history. And we denied Him, to the point of putting Him to death on the cross. 
He taught us He is he truth, asking us to love as He loved us and keeps loving us. He taught us the only way, through faith, He resurrected winning over death, showing us hope is from Him and He also showed us how to love, living in love with Him and with our peers. 
Unfortunately, we never listen or pay attention and once again humanity just follows the world and by doing so, chooses fear over faith, desperation over hope and selfishness, the devil’s words, choosing to be like God by embracing sin over virtue. 
Fear has reached its climax and now the whole world has fallen under a farce of a pandemic that forces us to live in fear denying he gifts of life and freedom, denying us even access to faith. Governments in most parts of the world have forced people into confinement, imposing upon us poisonous masks, prohibiting social interaction. 
We have fallen to the heretic heralds, to the lies and confusion of the dammed one, the maligned. 
We need to go back to Him, our God, to His Holy Trinity to His one and only, and unique church, founded by Him to be His body on earth until the end of times. 
We find the church corrupt because we refuse to realize we are the church and as corrupt as some are, we refuse to look into our own corruption. And we chose to destroy the church, as if that was ever going to be possible. If it is God who founded it and He says is forever, it will be forever. That cannot be the question or a question we need to answer, but that on our own lives and existence. 
Our lives on earth are finite. Sooner or later, we will die, each and everyone of us. Hence death is not the question or any reason o fear too. Death is bu a gate to a different type of life, one that could be forever enjoyable worshipping God in heaven, or one where we live in dark and damnation in hell.  
It is our connection with our creator hat matters and how we keep our life in accordance with His precepts and commandments. 


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