We are being told social I standing of about 6 feet or 2 meters is required between people to avoid possible exposing to the virus. Apparently the virus is capable of transmitting at less distance and by many other means.
We go out for a walk, or for whatever other need and are exposed to places and things, all of which might or most surely have been touched or breath upon by other people, many of which are potential carriers of the ‘deathly’ virus. In fact, many other elements like the wind or rain can do the transmisión as well.
If so, then nothing absolutely nothing can help is from being exposed one way or the other to the lethal virus.
However, we all know there is an inmune system God provided us with to deal with most menaces humans and just about every life inhabiting our planet.
The inmune system is made of a variety of options our bodies build as we encounter viruses, bacteria, germs that threaten our existence. The stronger we are the better we can build our protection system and the more we can improve our posibilites of beating any potential pandemic.
Of course this virus has been produced in the lab, by people of questionable intentions and morals, and it is them who have subjected the world to an exercise of stupidity under extreme fear.