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Wearing a Mask

Each and everyone of us human beings need and must be able to…

To breath,

To sneeze,

To cough,

To yawn,
To sigh,

To burb.

Our respiratory system is designed by God our creator to be free of obstruction. Our hygienic formation can prevent us from disseminating or propagating toxins, viruses, germs, etc. While we clean our bodies from particles that might harm our systems. 

Are masks really fighting a virus, or are becoming an obstacle to the proper use of our respiratory system? 

I am not a doctor however, it is only common sense to conclude that by placing a mask to prevent the flow of air in and out of the system, in any way can help you to prevent your body from letting viruses in. Clearly viruses out is off the question as they would stay, with many other things to be taken back to your body. 

Masks since day one of the pandemic has been found everywhere disposed by people believing them not to carry anything they could have acquired while worn. 

The diaphragm is a muscle that is, simply said, located between the stomach and the lungs. This muscle makes the lungs work by forcing the body to inhale and exhale constantly in order to obtain oxygen for the lungs and from them to the heart and the rest of the body. 

We do not need to be doctors or to get to technical in order to understand the implications of blocking that process by imposing a mask to cover the normal inking of oxygen for a healthy system. 

People are individuals with a unique and distinct identity, thanks again to our creator almighty God. We are not equal to each other. The functioning of our system is of a common design, but the use or even abuse of our bodies is completely unique and identified with each and everyone of us lives styles and else. 

Masks will have not a single common effect on everyone of us ‘saving’ us from a virus, but affecting some more or less than others.   

As just about every other illness or even common cold has disappeared giving room to COVID incidents, it is possible, I think, to consider that those affected or infected with the virus very well could be victims of the mask more than of the virus. 

My humble opinion. 


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