The whole world, except the hard core
Marxists and perhaps some well-intentioned blacks blinded by their own racism,
knows that Barry Soetoro is the biggest hoax ever pulled on the American
I’ll give him the benefit of the doubt by saying that
he might have been a good “Community Organizer,” by the Saul Alinsky standards;
I say that, because I have seen him creating dissension; inciting blacks
against whites, poor against rich, women against men etc. He’s definitely good
at stirring the crap.
Well, the results are clear. America is more divided
tan ever before in our lifetime, owes more money that it can repay in several
generations and the amount of hatred this administration has generated on people
who, otherwise were getting along decently, has no parallel in the country’s
history. This poor facsimile of a human been, doesn’t deserve to be re-elected
anymore than he deserved to be elected in 2008. The truth is that we don’t know
if he was really elected due to the disgusting un-American cheating,
threatening and conniving, that went on during that election. In 2008 America
acted like a third world country; will it do it again?
Meanwhile, I don’t understand what the
Republican-controlled House of Representatives is doing, or why they seem to be
accomplices of this horrible episode in America’s history. Paraphrasing “Deep
Throat” I’m tempted to say, “follow the money.” As a word of caution, I’d like
to remind Americans of how long it took to get Communism out of Russia (if it
is out of Russia), once it got hold of that country. How would you like to
suffer what the Russians had to put-up with until the fall of their empire?
Folks, the American Dream has been killed by Obama; it
will take a great team and a great deal of patience, cooperation and sacrifices
to revive the U.S.A. of yesteryear. I’ll be honest as usual; I don’t know if
Governor Romney is the man who can do it, but I do know one thing for sure: the
alternative, that is Barack Hussein Obama, is the cause of the problem, not the
To say that I’m puzzled by the daily polls showing
Obama that high would be an understatement. I know that Barry has, on purpose,
created a pull of “dependents” wishing they would vote for him. I would have
hoped though, that many of those would realize the unsustainability of the
system and vote for a true recovery.
I know I’m repeating myself when I say what follows,
but it seems to me that people didn’t get it the first few times. Time is
running out. The only hope (not in the Obama meaning of the word) for America
is to get rid of the phony president and elect the challenger. I know that some
people may not be sure of voting for Romney, but tongue-in-cheek I’ll say that
my dog would probably do better in the White House than the illegal alien who’s
there now!
Do not be fooled by the sudden and false touch of
“humility” displayed by Barry lately. He doesn’t think for a moment that ANYONE
is a better debater than he is. In fact, he doesn’t think there’s anyone better
than he is at anything!
Another word of caution. This administration has been
amassing enough ammunition to carry out WWIII and, as we were told in 2008,
they wanted a second “civilian” fighting forces, just as good and as well
financed as the existing ones. Hmmm. It sounds to me like a precursor and
preparation for a civil war!
Obama’s words, mind you, not mine.
In conclusion, if you are still thinking of voting for
Obama, in my humble opinion, YOU ARE STUPID!
God Bless America!
Joseph A. Gamero