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Americans seethe as banks hit them with new fees | Personal Finance | Financial Post

Americans seethe as banks hit them with new fees | Personal Finance | Financial Post
Banking services do cost money and to give Bank of America the benefit of the doubt, it appears this to be a reaction about even more regulatory charges from the US government on banks and other financial institutions.

But we also complained when the CEO and other high senior management in these banks and other financial institutions got away with surviving in the midst of their incompetence because it was the government who bailed them out with taxpayers money and their future of course. And then again, the other factor is also around, about how the contaminated sub-prime mortgages were forced by laws instituted over a decade ago and which build the bubble that could nothing but burst, of course, at the precise time where the collectivist incompetent in chief needed to be 'suggested' as the solution of solutions through collectivism of course. But all of this calls more for the separation of government and business rather than for asking the government to put yet one more of its filthy fingers into the economy. Banks need to be regulated so that the people can build their trust on the system, but it becomes very corrupted when that trust needs to become a vehicle of tyranny and despotism of the government and their friendly banker close to you.


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